Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Scope of environment

Environment include several aspects & components.Among them some aspects are physical, social,,and cultural aspects,which are prominent ones.

Biological aspects:Biological aspects is one of the most important aspect of environment.himan beings,animals,birds,insects,micro organisms,plants etc are some examples of it.

Physical aspect:Physical aspect can be divided into natural physical aspect & human physical aspects.Air,water,climate,geographical features etc comes under natural physical aspect & similarly man made things,objects comes under human physical aspects.roads,bridge,houses,buildings,machines are human made things.

Socio-cultural aspect:This is regard with all the things needed for development & social,cultural things.Within it human made socially and culturally important objects comes.Our social rules ,laws,customs,historical monuments,temples,monasteries,inns,comes under cultural aspect.While socio deals with progressive matters such as bridge, temple,machines,buildings etc.

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