Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Environment and population growth

The main causative agent of degradation of environment is population growth.The population growth causes more need of natural environmental resources.As humans are dependent on natural resourses,more population needs more use of those resources.Thus over use and over exploitation of natural resources cannot support the sustained living of living organism and protection of environment.People need more facilities with increase in their number.thus for the fulfilment of those needs such as fooding,sheltering,clothing,environmrental destructive activities are done by people such as depletion of forest to increase settelments,urbanisation for better facilities etc. So to recover those things people utilises the environmental resources extensively,misuse them & environment gets degraded.The growing population is aiding towards problems like industialization too which has negatively affectad the atmosphere due to the concequences like acidrain,global warming.

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